IHPA Partner Global Weather Oscillations Inc. Press Release

Official IHPA Partner and former NOAA Meteorologist Professor David Dilley of Global Weather Oscillations Inc. has issued a press release on climate change for the Ocala Star Banner on February 18th, 2021.

DISCLAIMER The views expressed in this press release do not necessarily reflect the views of the International Hurricane Protection Association.

Time for Media and IPCC to Wake Up on Climate Change

By Professor David Dilley

For about a decade and especially during the past five years, the media has been extorting the truth by blaming most weather events on human induced climate change.  Every flood, strong hurricane, tornado, high tides, and even cold temperatures – have all been blamed on human induced global warming as the cause.

Fact is – weather events are cyclical, and we have floods and hurricanes all the time – and their severity occur in cycles.  Back in 2019. Venice Spain had two thirds of their city streets underwater, and of course it was blamed on global warming.  Fact is – a powerful storm occurring in conjunction with a cyclically strong full moon caused the flooding – this occurs often with strong lunar tides that cycle over time.  This particular flood was very similar to their flood in 1966 that occurred during a strong lunar event – and it was in a cold weather period in our history.  Media – please dig out your history books and learn.  These events have occurred before and will again – this is proven science.

In 2019 – an early cold snap froze crops and buried fields in snow across the upper mid-west of the United States and some Canadian provinces.  This resulted in crop losses for many farmers not seen in over 60 years.  In addition – much of Europe experienced one of the worst winters in 25 to 60 years.  And how did the media respond to this?  Once again – the media and some savory science and climate groups said – it was caused by human induced climate change (global warming).

And now during the 2021 winter, deniers of natural climate cycles (climate change global warming alarmists) – are shocked as a record-breaking cold Arctic Vortex outbreak griped the United States in Mid-February 2021.  It was the Coldest Arctic blast in over 30 years for this region, and some snowfall totals broke records not seen since the late 1800s.  And this is not a Fluke – parts of Europe, Asia other regions around the world have likewise experienced similar weather in 2021.  And alas – not a word from the global warming alarmists or media in an attempt to tie the increasing colder temperatures during the past couple winters to global warming. 

Could this be the beginning of what is to come?  Earth has had 6 global warming cycles during the past 1,200 years. They are cyclical and recur like clockwork approximately every 230-years, and last about 75 to 85 years.  The warm cycles are then followed by a long-term dangerous global cooling cycle.  The current global warming cycle is on its 85th year and beginning to gasp for breath.  Is the current global warming cycle now transitioning to the next 85-year very dangerous Global Cooling Cycle?  They are cyclical and recur like clockwork.

We should all ask ourselves – Is it time for the Media to Wake Up and print the truth concerning the lies and extortion of the public by agenda seeking organizations?  And, is it possible that the organizations actually know that a major Global Cooling Cycle is about to set in – and this is why they are pushing hard and quick for what they want before the public catches on?

Please do your homework Media – learn the truth about natural climate cycles – do not try to alter natural cycles – unless you want to kill the earth!

Professor David Dilley

Meteorologist – Climatologist – PaleoClimatologist

Global Weather Oscillations

Ocala – Tampa


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