The International Hurricane Protection Association will hold their Election Meeting on January 28th, 2021 via Zoom.
This is an important meeting, please make sure to add it to your calendar! In addition to the election, we will have a few informational speakers to educate attendees.
Official IHPA Partner Professor David Dilley of Global Weather Oscillations, Inc. will give an overview of the record breaking 2020 Atlantic hurricane season and a preview of his predictions for 2021. With another above-average season on the horizon, you’ll want to get this information before everyone else!
Jim Heise will give a presentation on the Florida Building Code 7th Edition (2020) Update. This program will be a reminder of the starting date of our new Florida Building Code and the changes that we can expect that will affect both the Fenestration and Shutter industries. He will also discuss on how the code development has changed and what the future of our code system may look like.
Regarding the election, any IHPA member in good standing is eligible to run for President of the IHPA and/or for a Board of Directors seat. There are a minimum of two and a maximum of three seats in the following four categories; manufacturer, supplier, contractor and associate/affiliate classifications.
Current President Tim Robinson encourages all members to consider running for a position on the Board of Directors (BOD). Being a part of the BOD allows you to have a voice and a hand in giving direction to the association. Your participation is important to continue the success of the IHPA but it is also important for you to know these positions are voluntary. There is no compensation or travel allowance for board members and participation at all meetings is expected by anyone who is elected to the BOD. Please consider the commitment before running but we look forward to seeing our members come out in force to continue the tradition of the IHPA.
It is vital that you participate this election season! After all the notices are received, ballots will be sent to all members, allowing them to vote for a President and the BOD’s. Please make sure, if you are not running for a BOD position, do your part as a member of the association and participate by voting!